did you use media technologies in the construction and research, planning and
evaluation stages?
I explored and used a variety of media technologies construction, research and planning of my music video including Google, Blogger, Slideshare, YouTube, Twitter, Microsoft Office programmes, my IPhone and many other media technologies that I will highlight in my answer.
To begin with, I started with researching codes and conventions of music videos of the same genre that I wanted to make which was the underground genre. My main source of information was the internet which I was able to access on my mobile phone or my computer. Through the internet
, I mainly relied on the search engine, Google to find out about the expectations of a music video of this particular genre. I also used YouTube to watch music videos by artist who produce songs of the genre that I was making such as Katy B. I also used Google when researching for the codes and conventions of a basic digipak and what a website for a musical artist looks like. Once I was familiar with the basic features of both a digipak, using Google, I researched further for digipaks and artist for up coming artist who produce music of the underground genre. I done this by researching images so that I could get a visual idea of what they look like to help form a basic outline of what I wanted mine one to look like and so that my final outcomes conformed to existing products of the same market.
I used Blogger as an online diary to keep track of information that I had collected throughout my research. I found that using Blogger was very effective because I was ale to not only access it on the computer but also on my phone. I Installed the application onto my phone so that I could quickly and efficiently access it when necessary for example, when I was out filming without a hard copy of my shooting script, I had a copy of it on my blog so I was able to access it through my phone quickly. I also found Blogger very effective because I was able to embed images and videos on to my blog which meant that I could keep a track of where my inspiration and ideas were coming from.
The media technology that I found most useful during my planning stages of my music video was the Microsoft Office programmes because the software itselfs provdies a variety of tools such a Powerpoint, Excel and Word. When creating my audience questionnaires and writting letters to request permission to film in certain areas, I used Microsoft word. With anyinformation I collected through surveys and questionnaires, i was able to transform into charts using the microsoft software Edexcel program. I found that I relied on the Microsoft office pragmmes more than I realised during pre and post production.
During the construction stage of my production, I relied on Final Cut editing software, Photoshop CS4, the internet and the Mac computer greatly. Once I had filmed all my footage that I had filmed using using a high qualigty and sophisticated Sony HDVZ5, I uploaded them on to Final Cut. I couldnt transfere the footage inbetween different computing devices so I had to ensure I used the same Mac computer each time I wanted to edit, thoughout the post preduction stage of my production. Final was a very good program to use to edit my footage because it provided me with so many different tools that I coul use to achieve the best, most effective outcome of my music video. I was able to crop sections of my footage that I wanted to use, using the blade tool, add transitions inbetween different scenes, add text and filters ontop of my footage to create/add different atmosphere to my video or to achieve a specfic look of my video, in my case was an underground, urban but rural feel to my video. To best achieve this, I found that adding a filter on top of my footage then manipulating the brightness and contrast worked well. I used Photoshop to consrtuct my entire digipak. I was able to edit the images I wanted to use on my digipak on photoshop, including adding text, filters and effects on them. I used the internet to create my website for my star. I used which provided me with website templates that I manipulated so that It was my own. I was able to insert my own videos, images and text on the website and change the colour scheme of the website, using the templte colour schemes or creating my own. The webiste alowed me to completely customise the template so that it was exactly how I wanted it to be. Once I was happy with my website, I was able to publish it and make it public so that it could be viewed by others although, I could go back to make anychanges to the website even after I had published it.
How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts?
I think that both my anillary procudts and main product are very effective because there is a consistent theme inbetween them. Through research of already established artists, I found that there is always one feature that is keptconsistent throughout their products. For an example, Both Rhianna and Beyonce mainatain a consistent font that their names are emebed in, whether it be on their albums, webiste, clothing brands or even before when apearing on televeision, their name is presented in the font that has been associated with them. Having a consistent feature throughout branding helps to identify the artist and artist song without even having to see or hear them.

The theme of my digipak and website was influenced by ideas from my music video and the genre of the song I mad me music video to. Not all artist use a theme to help their audience identify them, some artist use a iconic or different images to make them stand out from other artist. For an example, Michael Jackson was associated with a white glove which, when people saw, they knew he was going to be presented. For my artist, I chose to maintain a consistent font and black & white through out my ancillary products. This idea was influenced by both the genre of music I used which was underground/indie and by the mise en scene/iconics in my music video. I thought, the best way to represent rural, run down, youth associated areas through colour was by using black and white because in the past, black and white was originally associated with poverty and lower class, through television etc. It was known that the rich/upperclass had coloured television. Music videos by underground artist don't demonstrate an upper class, high budget video rather a video that portrays a rural, realistic everyday life setting such as in Katy B - Louder music video, you can see litter on the streets and graffiti on the walls. So, through using black and white theme, I hope to have portrayed some of the conventions of underground/indie music videos.
The image below is of my completed digipak. You can see that the entire product, including images are in black and white and the same font has been maintained across the digipak.
(Click to englarge)